The benchmark KOSPI edged up 0.1% to close at 2,575 points on Friday, with gains in auto and finance stocks offset by sharp losses in chipmakers. Hyundai Motors advanced 2.1% following collaboration talks with GM on joint vehicle development and clean-energy technology, boosting affiliates such as Hyundai Mobis, Hyundai Wia, and its sister company Kia Corp, which gained 1.4%. Financial stocks also rallied, with KB Financial (4.7%), Shinhan Financial (3.7%), and Hana Financial (4.1%) leading the gains. Meanwhile, Samsung Electronics shed 2.9% as workers in India continued their strike after talks ended without an agreement, while its peer SK Hynix tumbled 3.6% after posting its best session since March yesterday. In economic news, South Korea's import prices rose 1.8% year-on-year in August, the slowest in five months, while export prices surged 5.7%. For the week, the benchmark index increased 1.2%, ending a two-week losing streak.