澳大利亚10年期政府债券收益率升至4.53%左右,徘徊在两周来的最高水平。周四公布的数据显示,在出口增加而进口下降的推动下,澳大利亚1月份的贸易顺差扩大幅度超过预期。本周早些时候,一份报告显示,该国经济在2024年第四季度同比增长1.3%,超过了1.2%的增长预测,自2023年第三季度以来首次加速增长。在货币政策方面,澳大利亚储备银行2月份政策会议的纪要表明,再次降息不会迫在眉睫,董事会表示谨慎。央行表示,如果通货膨胀持续下去,目前4.10%的现金利率仍有可能延长。与此同时,澳大利亚储备银行副行长Andrew Hauser警告称,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的关税带来的不确定性可能会促使企业和家庭推迟规划和投资,从而可能对经济增长造成压力。
Australia’s 10-year government bond yield rose to around 4.53%, hovering at its highest level in two weeks. Data released on Thursday showed Australia's surplus on trade goods widened more than expected in January, driven by a rise in exports while imports fell. Earlier this week, a report revealed that the country's economy expanded 1.3% year-on-year in Q4 of 2024, surpassing forecasts of a 1.2% growth and accelerating for the first time since Q3 of 2023. On the monetary policy front, minutes from the Reserve Bank of Australia's February policy meeting suggested that another interest rate cut is not imminent, with board expressing caution. The central bank indicated that an extended period at the current 4.10% cash rate remains possible if inflation persists. Meanwhile, RBA Deputy Governor Andrew Hauser warned that uncertainty from U.S. President Donald Trump's tariffs could prompt businesses and households to delay planning and investment, potentially weighing on economic growth.