澳大利亚10年期政府债券收益率跌至3.9%以下,追随美国债券收益率的下降,因为人们认为美联储下周肯定会降息,但投资者对央行是否会降息25或50个基点存在分歧。此外,欧洲央行周四再次下调了关键利率,这是今年的第二次降息。在澳大利亚,尽管经济放缓,但储备银行仍坚持鹰派立场,尽管全球同行已开始降息。澳大利亚储备银行助理行长Sarah Hunter最近表示,相对于充分就业,劳动力市场仍然紧张,就业率预计将继续上升,但增速低于人口增长。上周,州长米歇尔·布洛克(Michele Bullock)也保持了鹰派观点,强调在通胀仍然居高不下的情况下考虑降息还为时过早。
Australia's 10-year government bond yield fell below 3.9%, tracking a decline in US bond yields as the Federal Reserve is considered certain to cut rates next week, but investors were divided on whether the central bank will implement a 25 or 50 bps cut. Additionally, the ECB lowered its key interest rates again on Thursday, marking its second reduction this year. In Australia, the Reserve Bank has stuck to a hawkish stance despite a slowing economy, even as global counterparts have started cutting interest rates. RBA Assistant Governor Sarah Hunter recently said that the labor market is still tight relative to full employment, with employment expected to continue rising but at a slower pace than population growth. Governor Michele Bullock also maintained a hawkish outlook last week, emphasizing that it is too soon to consider rate cuts with inflation still elevated.